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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Jim Lewis, a stud with a bat, and a bunch of other studs at the senior picnic.
Jim Prince, a tall person, is this Chris Stoltenberg?, White shirt person, one of the Sheltons, Samantha Bakeris, Patty Novak, and some juniors...looks like Laura Butler, I know her...., and Megan Kelly.
Joe Moseley and Chris E at U of Iowa. I think this was the night we pierced Joe's ears with safety pins. We didn't do a very good job either....submitted by Chris E
Dena Votroubek and Kris Seaberg at the river.
John Winborn, Candy Thorne, Adrianne Mahler, Wade Peers, and Bradley Thomas at Pete Svebakken's graduation brunch.
Chris E, John Lance, and Jay Justin at Jumer's. Prom 1983. Submitted by Chris E
Mike Gerischer and Jay Justin at Pete's cabin.
Stacy DeWitt and Troy Sanders at U of Iowa. They've always been close.....submitted by Chris E